So how did I know the Lord was calling me to the World Race? In December of 2022 I began to daydream about what teaching job I would have the next school year and what cool new place I would be living in. The school year so far had had its ups and downs, I had met some really great people, learned some really important things, but I knew Fairfield, Ohio was not going to be a part of my future plans. I was definitely hoping to be teaching in a new city, a new state and hey I was even open to a new country by next school year! I was ALL over the place with what I wanted and where I envisioned myself going and to be honest I was not really talking to the Lord about what he wanted or what he had planned for me. One day when I was randomly looking up teaching jobs online, I had a thought, “World Race…” It was so strange. Like it literally popped up out of nowhere (thank you Holy Spirit, I didn’t know it was you then but I do know it was you now). I decided to head to Google just to look into it a little more, figuring it would be a fun way to procrastinate whatever I was supposed to be doing but nothing much more than that.
I already knew a little about the World Race because my childhood best friend Kelly, had gone on a mission trip through the organization when we graduated high school. When she told us that she was going to be doing mission work and serving the Lord for 9 months I remember thinking that sounded so incredible but was sure I would never be able to do something like that. Anyway, so I decided to head to the Adventures in Missions page and check it out. To my surprise, they had mission trip opportunities for people in their mid twenties. They had one 11 month mission trip route and four 1-4 month mission trip routes. Not just the Gap Year routes which is what Kelly did and is only for 18-20 year olds. I first looked into the 1-4 month mission trip opportunities but all of them took place during the typical school year, so that would not work with having a teaching job. I then clicked on the 11 month mission trip route. “It’s not like I am actually going to go, I am just curious”, I remember saying to myself. As I am looking at the 11 month trip details, I notice it happens to leave at essentially the start of a typical school year (September) and returns during the summer (July) so how convenient is that as a teacher? Exactly one year off and then home before the start of another school year. Not to mention one of the countries on the trip is Albania… The home country of one of my students who I adore and had built such a strong relationship with throughout the school year. Coincidence? Nah, let’s go with Jesus!
At this point I am staring at my computer like… “There is no way Ryann. No possible way. You can’t do this. For a freaking multitude of reasons. Come on, let’s be realistic here.” Those thoughts were in my head, but in my heart I felt something different. A spark. Longing. Excitement. Wonder. Curiosity. Finally, I decided, what is the harm in applying? I probably won’t even be offered a position anyway. At that moment I decided to begin filling out the application. I completed most of it, but of course hit some roadblocks along the way and decide to take a break.
That break lasted until February. Honestly, the fearful and logical minded voices in my head deterred me from ever going back and finishing that application. I kept telling myself I couldn’t do it. It’s not realistic. These trips are for other people, not people like me. Again, not looking to the Lord for discernment. Not asking for guidance or clarification. Not asking Him what his plans were, only consumed with the wants, desires and fears in my own mind. I decided to distract myself and continue to look for other teaching jobs in other cities, towns and states. Until February 9th. On February 9th I got a text from Drew with the World Race. He said that I had almost completed my entire application and just had one section left to be completed. He also said, “We are so glad you’re here and would love to review your application when you complete it.” (I know this text message word for word because luckily I never delete my texts). Jesus probably did a mic drop at this moment. I know my jaw dropped when I got this text. Like okay heard you loud and clear God I will complete the application. So that is exactly what I did. I completed the application. And for the very first time throughout this entire debacle of “what is the next year of my life going to look like?”, I prayed. I prayed and asked God that if the World Race was a part of HIS plan for my life, he would grant me an opportunity to be interviewed.
On March 1st, I had my interview over the phone with Miss Mackenzie. At this point in time no one in my life really knew I was seriously considering this. To remind you, I was still living at home with my parents so I couldn’t do the interview there. I couldn’t do the interview at work. So, my car it was! Just wanted to set the scene of this actual life-altering interview😉
Mackenzie starts off the call letting me know how the process will work and how after the call she will go back and talk to her team/bosses. They will all discuss if I am going to be a good fit for the World Race as well as pray and ask God for his discernment over the decision. She informed me it could take a few days to hear back. Then she prays over the interview and our conversations. We talked for over an hour. I told her my entire testimony, the things I struggled with, the fears and worries I had, the times I had been distant from God, the times I had been on fire for him, all of it. At the end of the call she said, “Ryann I want to go ahead and offer you a spot on the World Race team. I prayed to the Lord before this interview as I was reviewing your information and just felt such a sense of peace but also so much excitement surrounding you. All of those feelings were confirmed throughout my entire conversation with you. This isn’t typical practice but I would like to go ahead and offer you a spot.” I feel like Jesus did his second mic drop at this point. I remember I couldn’t wipe the smile off my face. I was so giddy. So excited. But also scared. Unsure of the unknown. How would people react to this? What would my parents think? How would I quit my job… Am I really going to be able to be away from my family and friends for 11 months? Can I actually do this?
Check out my next blog post to read more about how I made my decision to go on the World Race and how the Holy Spirit spoke to me in some really jaw dropping ways!
That’s all for now friends!
Love always. In all ways.
Ryann, you are an amazing writer and person. I’m so excited to pray you through this journey, watch what God has in store for you and those you touch!. I know God will do a work through you and in you and in me as I follow you!!! Thank you for saying to the Lord, “I’m here; send me!”
Love you so,
Heidi!!! You are simply the best! Thank you for always loving me so well, encouraging me and pushing me closer to Jesus! Also thank you for being such a huge prayer warrior and supporter throughout my journey! I just cannot thank God enough for you, your presence and importance in my life! I just love you too much!!